Succession: A Reflection Occasioned by the 395th Anniversary of the Founding of First Parish & Dorchester

The story of Dorchester and First Parish has been organically intertwined since ​the English settlement in 1630. For nearly half of that time First Parish was the center of Dorchester’s religious and civic life. How the roots and branches of that relationship have evolved over four centuries can inform both our understanding of the past … Continue reading Succession: A Reflection Occasioned by the 395th Anniversary of the Founding of First Parish & Dorchester

The Sun Still Rises

Dorchester is a community that has a long history of activism and solving problems, characteristics that will be helpful as we face difficult times. Worship Leader: Bill WalczakWorship Associate: Michelle OyieMusic Leaders: Dan Loschen & The FPD ChoirGuest Musician: Anne Hooper-Webb Bill Walczak was the founding president and CEO of the Codman Square Health Center, … Continue reading The Sun Still Rises

Spring is Coming!

Feel the sun on your skinGrowing strong and warm againWatch the ground: there’s something movingSomething is breaking throughNew life is breaking through Co-Worship Leaders: Kat Oyie & Penelope Duff-WenderWorship Associate: Michelle OyieMusic Leaders: Dan Loschen & The FPD Choir Katherine (Kat) and Penelope are high school seniors and currently work here at FPD as Childcare … Continue reading Spring is Coming!
