Dorchester is a community that has a long history of activism and solving problems, characteristics that will be helpful as we face difficult times. Worship Leader: Bill WalczakWorship Associate: Michelle OyieMusic Leaders: Dan Loschen & The FPD ChoirGuest Musician: Anne Hooper-Webb Bill Walczak was the founding president and CEO of the Codman Square Health Center, … Continue reading The Sun Still Rises
Feel the sun on your skinGrowing strong and warm againWatch the ground: there’s something movingSomething is breaking throughNew life is breaking through Co-Worship Leaders: Kat Oyie & Penelope Duff-WenderWorship Associate: Michelle OyieMusic Leaders: Dan Loschen & The FPD Choir Katherine (Kat) and Penelope are high school seniors and currently work here at FPD as Childcare … Continue reading Spring is Coming!