Archives: Services

“Yet To Be”

Grow old along with me,” Robert Browing wrote. “The best is yet to be.” But we do not have the infrastructure of community care to help our elders to make their older years the best of their lives. In a culture obsessed with youth, how are we addressing the needs of our elders? In a … Continue reading “Yet To Be”


Each year our community marks the start of a new church year in a celebration of water. The way water nourishes us to new growth and cleanses us after our labors. And we know that the waters are rising. That living in this world can feel sometimes like the water might take us under. Or … Continue reading “Underwater”

“Bread and Roses”

Labor unions have long fought for not just survival of all of us, but also the conditions to thrive and be joyful. We need beauty, wonder and connection to live full lives. Join us for a song-filled celebration of coming together to fight for each other. And for all of the roses we find in … Continue reading “Bread and Roses”

“The Great Dechurching”

Who’s Leaving, Why Are They Going, and What Will It Take to Bring Them Back? A homily in conversation with a new book of that nameForty million Americans who previously were members of a congregation stopped attending in the last 25 years. Why? It isn’t all attributable to loss of faith or broken relationships due … Continue reading “The Great Dechurching”

“The Nature We Make”

Courtney shares her recent essay in the Boston Globe about cities as nature; she reflects on the mental divisions we create between people and nature and asks what would happen if we included ourselves in the natural world. She invites us to reflect on the nature we create through our buildings, infrastructure, and other activities, … Continue reading “The Nature We Make”

“Not Your Mascot”

How many of you remember your school’s or your child’s school mascot? Mine were Knights, a Husky, Tigers and a Shark. Some schools and sports teams have mascots that are Native American in nature and are very offensive. The subject of this homily is racist Indigenous mascots, what do they mean to actual Indigenous people … Continue reading “Not Your Mascot”

“Tuning the Dial”

Have you ever tried to tune into a radio station (or a co-worker, friend, child, or even yourself) only to hear a static fuzz? Well, I have! I think we all have. Sometimes tuning the dial is all that’s needed to hear a song or message more clearly. Come and let’s work on tuning in … Continue reading “Tuning the Dial”

“What is Mindfulness? How I find balance when things feel out of balance”

Jill earned her bachelor’s and master’s degrees, both in violin performance, with a special concentration in string quartet and chamber playing. She’s enjoyed a 40 year career throughout New England as an active professional violinist, violin teacher and chamber music coach. She’s delighted to be joining the service on Sunday.  When the nearer things in … Continue reading “What is Mindfulness? How I find balance when things feel out of balance”