Archives: Services

A Mother’s Love

One might argue that there is little more powerful than a mother’s love. And we know that there are lots of things that get in the way of it. This service will honor our deep connection with the Louis D Brown Peace Institute and the power of Clementina Cherry’s motherly love. In the world so … Continue reading A Mother’s Love

Queer Joy: Refueling Our Revolution 

Ms. Penny Cost (She/Her/Hers) is not your average, every day, bless-your-heart-ing church lady! She (as her real-life counterpart, Isaac Simmons, they/them) is reportedly the first Drag Queen in the world to become a Certified Candidate for Ordained Ministry within the United Methodist Church. She is a second-year Master of Divinity student at Boston University School … Continue reading Queer Joy: Refueling Our Revolution 

To This I Give My Heart: A Faithful Exploration of Current Social Movements

In times like this, when change is more constant than certainty, we return to the basics. Love, faith, hope. Rev. DL Helfer is non-binary, and in general avoids boxes which trap them into “this” or “that.” Instead, they search for possibility, for deeper truths, and share those glimmers of possibility with others. Rev. DL is presently … Continue reading To This I Give My Heart: A Faithful Exploration of Current Social Movements

What’s Going On?

Our worship leaders for this Sunday are two ministers, each with her own long and respected career, who recently worked together to better understand all the ways in which the COVID-19 pandemic was challenging for religious communities throughout the country. They will preach about the pandemic wilderness and what we all learned, as well as how all wilderness experiences shape us … Continue reading What’s Going On?

Your Victory

Last week we began our discussion about how deeply interdependent we are. This week, we will dive into what that means in terms of our accomplishments. Given how interconnected we all are, do we ever accomplish anything on our own? Does leadership get the credit for what a community achieves? How do we practice gratitude … Continue reading Your Victory

Fluent in Blooming

Our process of becoming who we are, of blooming into the fullness of our true selves, can mean mourning the death of many versions of ourselves along the way. We bury and grieve even the parts of us that have held us back from growth and wholeness. This Easter, a triumphant reminder that resurrection is … Continue reading Fluent in Blooming

“Purpose, Not Perfection”

Perfection is a myth, and may cause us to be disappointed in our inability to accomplish our purpose. This is especially true in church. We are called to change in the world, and that can be messy…..certainly not perfect. Rev. Di Bona is bi-racial and claims both her mother’s Wampanoag heritage and her father’s Italian … Continue reading “Purpose, Not Perfection”