Archives: Services

Wisdom to Love Yourself

Do you remember RuPaul’s hit Supermodel? RuPaul is the fantastic drag star who famously promotes self-love and igniting your spark within. He knows doing it is tough but possible. He puts it this way, “Look at me–a big old black man under all of this makeup, and if I can be beautiful, so can you.” … Continue reading Wisdom to Love Yourself

I Like Ike

In the midst of this presidential season we are stunned by impeachment and primaries. I recall a simpler time when a general, Dwight D. Eisenhower, defeated a Unitarian Universalist, Adlai Stevenson. Then as now folks asked, “What will happen next?” Here is the video of the reflection and sermon “I Like Ike“

Practical Creativity

Our children teach us about creativity is that life’s waiting room is really a playground if we persist in having a perspective of playfulness. Practical Creativity is playful persistence. Practical creativity has its being and its power in the way we move among the everyday events of our living, the way we move from obstacles … Continue reading Practical Creativity

Spiritual Creativity

What our children teach us about creativity is that life’s waiting room is really a playground if we persist in having a perspective of playfulness. Spiritual Creativity is about being like chil­dren with their toys. We must be willing to turn our pain and problems upside down and look at them anew; we must be … Continue reading Spiritual Creativity

Use It Up

Use it up; wear it out, make do; do without. That’s the mantra of my New England upbringing. I am a native of New Hampshire which prides itself as being the most frugal place in the country. The motto on New Hampshire’s license plates is often mistaken as a patriotic slogan, when, in fact, the … Continue reading Use It Up


MLK Jr. urged UU’s in his 1964 Ware Lecture to wake up and stay woke. He talked about Rip Van Winkle. We remember that Rip Van Winkle slept twenty years. When he went up to bed the sign on the Inn had a picture of King George III of England. When he came down, the … Continue reading Woke

Let Us All Be Free

The Emancipation Proclamation went into effect January 1st, 1863, declaring that all enslaved people would be “henceforth and forever free.” Yet it did not free all enslaved people. As we move into a new year, what are some of the ways we are kept from freedom? What are ways we can offer and work for … Continue reading Let Us All Be Free