Archives: Services

Now What?

As we grapple with the state of our world and the outcome of the election, let us take a collective breath together. Let us feel all of our feelings. Let us reground and recenter for the work ahead. Let us find some healing in a place of radical welcome. We are not alone. We have … Continue reading Now What?

The Voice

With so many disparate voices demanding our attention ALL the time, it is almost impossible to decide who or what to listen to. Yet there is a still, small voice within each of us that can offer wisdom and guidance. How do we pay attention to and follow that voice? Lucas Gonzalez Milliken preaching. All … Continue reading The Voice

Always Calling

What messages from deep within us might we miss in the rush of our lives? Or in the ways we numb ourselves? How do we create enough space and enough silence to hear our deepest yearning? How do we answer what is always calling? 

It is Time Now

As Unitarian Universalists, we boldly strive for a different world. We seek to create a country where justice is real and where people have a voice for change. We know that the country we live in continues to be very different from that ideal. On the brink of a very important election in our history, … Continue reading It is Time Now

Renewal of Vows

Commitments require constant renewal. What does it look like to renew our commitments on the small scale and on the global scale? How do we cultivate forgiveness and accountability in our communities? 

Begin Again

How can we find renewal each day? How can we take advantage of the cleansing and healing power of each breath? What does it mean to bring wonder and joy to each day when the world is literally and figuratively on fire?  Here is the video of this service. Email for Zoom information to join.

Summer Services – 10am

September 6th – “What are we working FOR” – As we move into the next church year, we might be overwhelmed by the amount of work there is to do. And yet we know that we are moving towards depth, love and community in our work. How can we align our work with our growth, … Continue reading Summer Services – 10am