Archives: Services

Love is Inconvenient

Love is the doctrine of this community. We affirm this out loud every week – but sometimes it is easier said than realized.  How do we love each other in the midst of pain, difficulties, and frustrations? How do we embody that doctrine, and what does it challenge us to do, as individuals and as … Continue reading Love is Inconvenient

Yes, And

What can improvisation games teach us about how to be in community? What can their rules and principles teach us that will lead up towards more innovation and creativity? Where can we affirm each other and our ideas more fully – adding on rather than negating? For the video of this file click here and then click … Continue reading Yes, And

Sharing Our Truths

Each of us have so many truths inside of us, but – for whatever reasons – it can be difficult to share them or hear them with others. How can we meaningfully explore deeper truths amongst ourselves, and grow our story so that it can hold every one of us? All are welcome to this … Continue reading Sharing Our Truths

I Know Your Name

The debate over whether we are more good or bad has raged in the religious world for as long as humans can remember. Let us explore where our Unitarian Universalist tradition and the human goodness it proclaims leads us to greater integrity and resilience. Spoiler alert: There will be discussion of two feature films plot … Continue reading I Know Your Name

Here’s Where I Stand

Showing up as your full, complicated, authentic self is essential to living a rich life. It is a lot easier said than done. It requires courage, integrity and vulnerability. It leads us towards the wholeness that we seek. Join us for this first sermon of our Candidate Time with Rev. Elizabeth. The three Sundays of Candidate … Continue reading Here’s Where I Stand

Come and Go with Me

This year has forced us to do everything differently. As we move into 2021, we will bring the hard lessons from 2020 with us. We will also bring bold hopes, dreams, and visions with us into the new year. What world will we collectively imagine? What will we do to create that world together? All … Continue reading Come and Go with Me

Grief and Gratitude

As we look toward the end of this year of untold grief, we are in a season traditionally focused on gratitude and joy. It can feel somehow wrong or disrespectful to celebrate when we are immersed in such suffering. Yet grief and gratitude are inextricable, as are joy and pain; life is not divided into … Continue reading Grief and Gratitude

For Longer Nights

On this solstice, as we move deeper into longer nights, let us celebrate darkness. Let us celebrate it in story and song, in fire and spirit. All are welcome to this multi-generational story-telling service, in which we will share the story “Sulwe” by Lupita Nyong’o, with gorgeous illustrations by Vashti Harrison.  To view the video … Continue reading For Longer Nights

Finding Balance

As we approach the time when the days and the nights are most off balance, how do we create balance in our lives? Physical balance has much to teach us about spiritual balance. Join us as we navigate the relationship between stillness and movement that is necessary for balance. Let us find the center that … Continue reading Finding Balance