Archives: Services


There are great gifts and wonder in the dark. As we honor solstice, let us look at the potential healing and growth that comes from attending to our shadows. To the darkness inside us as well as that surrounds us this time of year. Let us interrogate the dark within in order to grow.  Here … Continue reading Shadows


Sometimes, out of nowhere, when we’re just going about our business, life (or God, or spirit) calls us to show up and be counted. We see someone treating another person injustly, and we must make a choice about how to respond. Depending on who we are, we will make a choice. What is a theology … Continue reading Ready


Our congregation is 391 years old and we wish to continue to have an impact in our community for 400 more years. In order to truly envision who we are becoming, we have to know our history. Join us on a journey back to the beginning to revisit our coming into being and some of … Continue reading Origins

Righteous Anger

We talk a lot about how important it is to feel our feelings, but often we don’t mean anger, too – even when there is so much that can and should make us angry. Join Lucas and Rev. Aisha for a service where we explore different ways of thinking about and expressing our anger. We … Continue reading Righteous Anger

Practice Holds Us

In our service series on cultivating relationship, we began with talking about our relationships with ourselves and then moved to how we do this with each other. This week, we move out even more broadly to cultivating our relationships with that which holds the universe together. How do we cultivate relationship with the holy? How … Continue reading Practice Holds Us