Archives: Services

Nurturing Community

How we are with each other matters. We create and shape our communities in little moments. Join us for a celebration of all that is beautiful about community. We are in this together. And what we create here at First Parish ripples out into the world. This service will focus on sending peace to Ukraine, … Continue reading Nurturing Community


We have been in a long, difficult battle over the right to access safe and legal abortions in this country for some time. It has ramped up in the last decade or so. This week we learned that the war against Roe v. Wade will likely have a big victory that feels devastating. Join us … Continue reading Choice

Playing with Liberation

In A Theology of Play, Jürgen Moltmann writes that “liberation from the bonds of the present system of living takes place by playing games.” In this service, we will experiment with how play can be a liberative practice to sustain our imagination and our struggle for justice. We will explore how play can assist us in creating … Continue reading Playing with Liberation

Wake to Wonder

We know that reconciliation with the earth is necessary to our continued existence. This service will celebrate our Transcendentalist forebears and their insistence that revelation remained ever unfolding, most clearly in the natural world. Join us as we reawaken and deepen our relationship with the beauty and wonder all around us and seek reconciliation for … Continue reading Wake to Wonder

A New Way

As we look forward to the coming church year, let us dream about what is possible. What are we building? What leaps of faith are we taking together? What might this “new way” look like? How are we learning from what has been? How is the building embodying the new way? We will welcome the … Continue reading A New Way

It Takes Practice

Our favorite songs, whoever the artist or whatever the style, were created in a strange alchemy of study and inspiration, of strict practice and of letting go. Spiritual Practice is a similar combination of dedication, muscle memory, and perhaps a little divine inspiration. Join us for a musical exploration of learning to risk, building the muscle memory of courage, and … Continue reading It Takes Practice

Faithful Community

The most powerful faith we have is the faith we place in ourselves and each other. By deepening relationship with ourselves and each other, we can build more faith so when we need it. Come, let’s build a more faithful community together as we honor the 393rd Anniversary of the founding of our Parish. Here … Continue reading Faithful Community

Two Years Later

Two years ago, we began the lockdown that has come to be understood as the start of the 2020 Covid Pandemic. We have ridden one heck of a rollercoaster together since then. Join us as we lament all that has been lost. And as we celebrate that we are still here, ready to create a … Continue reading Two Years Later

Embodied Faith

Having faith in the universe is something we feel in our bodies above all else. Join us to discuss and practice embodied faith. What does it mean somatically to live faithfully? How do we reconnect with our faith when our bodies tell us that we are not safe (whether real or imagined)? Here’s the video … Continue reading Embodied Faith