Archives: Services

Summer Services

In July and August our services are led by lay members of the First Parish Community. This is a wonderful opportunity to hear from each other about our spiritual journeys and insights. Folks share on a variety of topics that interest them. Come, support each other and get to know each other more deeply. Dan Lochen … Continue reading Summer Services

Come Let Us Sing!

Join us this Sunday for worship and fellowship. The first lay lead summer service will return to a service format we have not used since before the pandemic began, but which has been very much enjoyed in prior summers, a communal hymn sing. We will still light our chalice and share our joys and sorrows, … Continue reading Come Let Us Sing!

To the Center

Feeling Lost? Confused by the twists of the world, and not sure where you’re going? You do not journey alone. In this service, we will move through the ancient spiritual practice of walking the labyrinth. It is a path of constant twists and turns, that can be disorienting, but which is always moving towards a … Continue reading To the Center

Nurture Beauty

Beauty surrounds us. And we can choose to nurture it and create more abundant beauty and love in the world. Or we can choose to perpetuate systems that create harm and inequity. Beauty exists all around us – alongside fear, greed and systems of oppression that seek to squander beauty. How might we do our … Continue reading Nurture Beauty