Archives: Services

“Plato’s Footstool”

Plato’s description of the cave illustrates the philosophical roots of our Unitarian Universalist theology. Yet our theology and the way we see the world is changing, what will influence the way we understand our world and our future? What will help us have a new vision of ourselves and the sacred as we move forward? … Continue reading “Plato’s Footstool”


Loneliness continues to rise amongst humans, even as we are more connected than ever before. Last week we spoke about our deep need for true belonging and how we must cultivate it in ourselves. This week, we will discuss the relationship with our internal life, our solitude, that is part of cultivating our belonging. Join … Continue reading “Alone”

“To Love Alike”

It is so tempting to surround ourselves with folks with whom we have a lot in common. And we miss out on so much when we create community in that way. Here, we attempt to create a community that celebrates difference! And where all people belong, even as we set boundaries around what behaviors we … Continue reading “To Love Alike”


Each year we gather together again to mark the start of the new church year in celebration of water. Water is life! It moves in and through us and all that is. This year, we will honor the ways in which water is dangerous and uncomfortable and inconvenient. We will celebrate the community of care … Continue reading “Sanctuary”

“What Do We Need to Build?”

This Labor Day weekend, we look at what needs building in our First Parish and Dorchester communities, and what we will need, in terms of vision, people, and resources, to build it. This lay lead service will explore through music, readings, and its homily message how this congregational community — made up of traditions, a … Continue reading “What Do We Need to Build?”

“Spiritual Migrants”

Many First Parish members, friends and visitors come from other faith traditions and one does not have to give up other affiliations and beliefs to be a Unitarian Universalist. Stepping outside our religious tribes takes courage and leaving them completely is not always an option. But once you join your spiritual journey to this congregation’s … Continue reading “Spiritual Migrants”


If we are being good stewards of the earth. What are we doing for non-human species to ensure their survival?  Here’s the video of this Service: If joining by Zoom, please use the regular First Parish Zoom account: If joining in person, please wear your mask and sit distanced from one another. Our service leaders, who are … Continue reading “HOW DO WE BLESS THE ANIMALS”?


Exploring our family histories can sometimes lead to unexpected and unwelcome discoveries.  We will talk about how to find hope and meaning from one of these discoveries.  Content Warning:  This homily will discuss the enslavement of people. Here’s the video of this Service: If joining by Zoom, please use the regular First Parish Zoom account: If … Continue reading “REMEMBERING DINAH”

Radicals Rise Up — NOW Is A Moment

For the August 7 service, we are presenting the pre-recorded sermon from the 2022 General Assembly Service of the Living Tradition.  The sermon, “Radicals Rise Up — NOW Is A Moment,” was delivered by Pastor Jacqueline Duhart, Director of Spiritual Care Services at Starr King School for the Ministry. Pastor Jacqueline is a queer feminist … Continue reading Radicals Rise Up — NOW Is A Moment

Bringing Them to the Table

In July and August our services are led by lay members of the First Parish Community. This is a wonderful opportunity to hear from each other about our spiritual journeys and insights. Folks share on a variety of topics that interest them. Come, support each other and get to know each other more deeply.  Here’s the … Continue reading Bringing Them to the Table