Unitarian Universalism is an intentionally pluralist faith. In order to live into our call to be a pluralist congregation, we have to be able to talk about what is real and true for us. It matters so much how we do this. And we need to be able to really listen to each other. Join us for an exploration of all of the human tendencies to speak in ways that are hard for our neighbors to hear and close our ears to different ways of seeing the world.

Worship Leader: Rev. Elizabeth Carrier-Ladd
Soloist: Tamra Grace Jones
Music Leaders: Dan Loschen and the FPD Choir
Virtual guests may join using this link: https://tinyurl.com/FPDservice
For our in-person guests: We invite you to join us in the Parish Hall after Service for a community coffee + social hour.
Nursery care is available starting at 10:30. Once Service begins, children will join their families in the Sanctuary. Once the Time for All Ages ends, they will join their Sunday School teachers unless it is an intergenerational Service.
Recordings of past Sunday services can be found here: https://tinyurl.com/FPD-past-services