Loneliness continues to rise amongst humans, even as we are more connected than ever before. Last week we spoke about our deep need for true belonging and how we must cultivate it in ourselves. This week, we will discuss the relationship with our internal life, our solitude, that is part of cultivating our belonging. Join us for a celebration of the ways in which we are never alone but always held in community, in connection, in deep care. There is an interdependent web holding us. Let us rest in that love. The Love that holds us all. And let us build it stronger for ourselves and each other.
Here’s the video of this Service:
If joining by Zoom, please use the regular First Parish Zoom account: https://zoom.us/j/4438056805 If joining in person, please wear your mask and sit distanced from one another. Our service leaders, who are all fully vaccinated, will unmask to speak and sing from the front of the Sanctuary.