Archives: Services

The Sun Still Rises

Dorchester is a community that has a long history of activism and solving problems, characteristics that will be helpful as we face difficult times. Worship Leader: Bill WalczakWorship Associate: Michelle OyieMusic Leaders: Dan Loschen & The FPD ChoirGuest Musician: Anne Hooper-Webb Bill Walczak was the founding president and CEO of the Codman Square Health Center, … Continue reading The Sun Still Rises

Spring is Coming!

Feel the sun on your skinGrowing strong and warm againWatch the ground: there’s something movingSomething is breaking throughNew life is breaking through Co-Worship Leaders: Kat Oyie & Penelope Duff-WenderWorship Associate: Michelle OyieMusic Leaders: Dan Loschen & The FPD Choir Katherine (Kat) and Penelope are high school seniors and currently work here at FPD as Childcare … Continue reading Spring is Coming!


Americans are realizing more and more lately the value of community, as well as its loss in our mobile society.  Is this value in conflict with the rugged individualism of our national character as well as our Unitarian heritage?  How is community created?  How can it transform us?  How can it help us through such … Continue reading Community


What are the origins of this term and how does it apply to us today?   Join Rev. Tracy Johnson as we carry ancient ideas into the present, making meaning in our lives and world. Worship Leader: Rev. Tracy JohnsonWorship Associate: Michelle OyieMusic Leaders: Dan Loschen & The FPD Choir The Rev. Tracy Johnson is a … Continue reading BELLWETHERS

Busing, Redlining & the Push for Educational Equity

Lew Finfer will reflect on the pivotal events of Boston’s school desegregation and busing crisis (1974–1978) and their lasting impact on the city. Marking the 50th anniversary, he will discuss the Black community’s long fight for educational equity, the federal court decision that mandated busing, and the resistance it met. He will also share the … Continue reading Busing, Redlining & the Push for Educational Equity


Let’s take a look at the value of tradition in religion, and the healthy tension involved in keeping it balanced with seeking new forms, creative expressions, and original experience. Our tradition grounds us, gives us roots, so we can fly. Worship Leader: Jane ThickstunWorship Associate: Michelle OyieMusic Leaders: Dr. Ana Sorina Popa & The FPD … Continue reading Roots

Activism as an Expression of Faith

This service will be a reflection of a very interesting journey and a blessed witness to the power of Community and the strength of so many in the struggle for justice, safety and change. Worship Leader: Robert MacEachern Worship Associate: Douglas ShaheenMusic Leaders: Dan Loschen & The FPD Choir  Robert J. MacEachern is a  3rd generation Dorchester resident and a Proud … Continue reading Activism as an Expression of Faith

Exploring Unitarianism and Trinitarianism

Join us as we explore Unitarianism and Trinitarianism, two theological perspectives that shape how people understand the nature of God and divine relationships. Unitarianism emphasizes the oneness of God and rejects the idea of the Trinity, while Trinitarianism centers on the belief in one God expressed in three distinct persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This … Continue reading Exploring Unitarianism and Trinitarianism


We will honor the birthday of Martin Luther King by lifting up his message of inclusiveness for all.  It is not always easy to understand others who are different, but it’s important to try, and the rewards are worth the effort. Worship Leader: Rev. Jane ThickstunWorship Associate: Michelle OyieMusic Leaders: Dr. Ana Sorina Popa & … Continue reading Diversity

Desert Lessons

James Luther Adams titled his memoir “Not Without Dust and Heat.” We’ll reflect on wisdom from the desert on storing water for dry times and thriving amidst the dust and heat. Worship Leader: Elizabeth NguyenWorship Associate: Michelle OyieMusic Leaders: Dan Loschen & The FPD Choir “We welcome you, whoever you are, whatever tradition, gender, race, … Continue reading Desert Lessons