Reminder! Annual Meeting, Sunday May 19

The 2019 First Parish Dorchester Annual Meeting is scheduled for Sunday, May 19, 12:30pm. Please join us to vote on new members, officers, trustees, delegates and the budget, as well as to hear reports. Here’s the agenda (and supporting material as it is readied)

Youth Group supports Rosie’s Place Toiletry Drive

On April 28th, the Youth Group began a food and toiletry drive for Rosie’s Place, spearheaded by Simon Fernandez-Buehrens, who has been increasingly concerned about homelessness in Boston and the world.  There will be collection boxes on the table by the base of the stairs until Sunday, June 16th. On that day, the youth group will be … Continue reading Youth Group supports Rosie’s Place Toiletry Drive

Long-time Deacons Honored

During service on Sunday, April 28, two deacon’s chairs were dedicated to two long-time members and a gift by another long-time member will be acknowledged. In March, the Board of Trustees voted to dedicate deacon’s chairs to Barbara Greene and Neil Brunswick in recognition and appreciation for their years of service as a Deaconess and … Continue reading Long-time Deacons Honored

New Members Welcomed

On May 21, at the annual Right Hand of Fellowship ceremony, Rev. Tricia and Clerk Mary Elliff welcome new members Delip Dey, Pam Goncalves, Michelle Oyie, Bruce Dyer, Ginnette Powell, and Michelle’s daughter Katherine. Our other new members Melissa Nussbaum Freeman, Althea Smith and Ben Cartwright were unable to attend that day but will be … Continue reading New Members Welcomed

Join the Lunch Bunch!

Every Tuesday at noon, in the kitchen at First Parish Join regulars Richard Kellaway, Bruce Shatswell, and Jim Stillman every Tuesday at noon for lively and jovial conversation that runs the gamut from history to politics to what’s happening at First Parish. Bring your own lunch! (But be prepared for a treat from Bruce if … Continue reading Join the Lunch Bunch!

Youth overnight a success

A fantastic time was had by the dozen youth present. Deep community building, long conversations, games and wild hijinks abounded. It was a unanimous agreement that we should do this again some time. Many thanks to parents Katherine Jenkins and Michelle Oyie for their presence through the retreat, to Tom Cunningham and Rev. Tricia for … Continue reading Youth overnight a success